Nigel takes on Camino de Santiago
Well done Nigel Rimmer (Operations Director), who completed 177km of the Camino de Santiago in just 6 days! He overcome quite a few obstacles on the way too, including connecting buses that didn’t turn up, wolves whilst walking through a forest and the horrendous heat of walking in temperature of over 80 degrees!
Nigel raised £475 towards our Corporate Challenge total – amazing result!
KIRK UK have been taking part in Pendleside Hospice’s corporate challenge…
“The concept of Corporate Challenge is simple; we give you £50 and ask you to turn it into as much as you can within a four-month period (1st June-30th September). There are lots of ways you can do this and we really don’t mind what you do as long as it’s ethical and legal! Suggestions include dress down days, bake sales, raffles etc, or you could enter individuals or a team into one of our organised events such as Pendle Pub Walk or Burnley 10K. All sponsor money raised will be credited to your overall fundraising amount.”
This year KIRK UK turners our £50 into £1040.00!!
Thank you to everyone who supported us.