Not sure about being a principal designer…
Safer Sphere understand that designers have little in the way of support by the CDM Regulations 2015 Guidance, nor any formalised training mechanism as such as those that CDM Coordinators and Contractors have had historically. We also acknowledge that CDM and H&S compliance forms one of a multitude of considerations that must be addressed by designers and their organisations. In order to offer support to Principal Designers in compliance with their legal duties under the CDM Regulations 2015, Safer Sphere has developed a number of CDM services. These services have been developed with designers in mind, to be simple and easy to implement, whilst ensuring full compliance and assisting with best practice solutions.
Principal Design Support Services:
RIBA Stage 1 (Brief) to 4 (Technical Design)
• Make the client aware of their duties under CDM 2015 with relevance to the project
• Attend the site/premises to carry out a full pre-start assessment and review with respect to health and safety considerations required during the design, build and end use
• Work with the PD and other parties to obtain, review and profile the required CDM pre-construction safety information. Identify any gaps or information requirements in respect to the CDM pre-construction information
• Ensure all H&S pre-construction information is issued for tender packs and/or direct to the Principal Contractor and other key duty holders as required.
• Work with designers and co-ordinate amongst them so that designs pay adequate regard to health and safety in construction, cleaning, use and deconstruction and the effects on third parties.
• Attend project meetings as required and/or producing CDM reports throughout the appointment.
• Provide safety advice and support for the project team for the duration of the appointment.
RIBA Stage 5 (Specialist Design & Construction)
• Liaise with the Principal Contractor regarding health and safety matters during the construction phase.
• Input on design changes as advised, which may affect health and safety during the construction phase or the end use.
• Attend project meetings as required and/or producing CDM reports throughout the appointment.
• Provide safety advice and support for the project team for the duration of the appointment.
• Agree the contents, structure and format of the Health and Safety File along with the collation and transfer arrangements;
• Coordinate the creation of a new suitable Health and Safety File, or review, amend or make additions to an existing Health and Safety File. Ensure the H&S File is complete as agreed and handed over to the client/end user at the appropriate time, subject to information being provided and available from the principal contractor and design team.