Biffa Landfill Project
There is a legal obligation to monitor the eluates produced from all landfills to ensure a detrimental impact on the local environment is not caused.
ALS Environmental have partnered with Biffa Waste Services to cover a wide variety of organic and inorganic parameters to ensure regulatory requirements are met over a 15 year period.
The analysis carried out by ALS Environmental involves the sampling of leachate, groundwater and surface water from landfills, to monitor them in compliance with permit regulations from the Environment Agency. The common analysis requests from Biffa have includes Dissolved Oxygen, Ammonical Nitrogen, USEPA 16 PAH and Pesticides (OPP, OCC).
ALS Environmental’s pre-reg system was used to ensure all samples taken from the landfill sites were registered in the laboratory before pre-labelled containers are dispatched to each sample point. This saved time, made the process of sampling easier and guaranteed each sample is appropriately analysed, in accordance with Sample Stability guidelines.
ALS undertook the testing of approximately 13,000 samples annually from over 70 landfills, both open and closed, during the project duration.