Fleet tracking for UK construction companies
Saving fuel by reducing idling
Excessive idling wastes fuel (and consequently money) as well as being bad for the environment. By deploying a GPS fleet tracking system it is possible to quickly measure idling by detecting a lack of movement of the plant coupled with the ignition being switched on. Then corrective action can be taken with staff to ensure they reduce or completely eradicate idling.
As well as saving money on fuel costs, this will also reduce the wear-and-tear of plant and help to reduce maintenance costs.
Better utilisation of plant
By providing real-time information on how your plant is being used GPS tracking can ensure that it is being utilised at maximum efficiency. For example, geofencing an area on our system can highlight the construction site. If it has been estimated that it will require 3 truck loads and journeys per truck to clear debris away, but the real-time data is showing that it actually needs 5. This immediately identifies an issue for management to solve. And help future estimates.
By having this timely information, action can be taken that will ensure plant is being utilised as anticipated and money is saved on fuel costs and wear-and-tear.
Improved routing
GPS fleet tracking will also help to ensure that plant that has to travel regularly between fixed points uses the most optimum route. This ensures reduced fuel costs and reduced usage of your valuable and expensive plant.
Lower maintenance costs
It is well known that preventive maintenance is less costly and more efficient than the break/fix type. GPS tracking helps ensure this happens by providing real-time information on driving behavior. This data can then be regularly reviewed to ensure that company vehicles are looked after and dangerous costly driving is curbed and maintenance and servicing is carried out in a timely manner.
All of which helps to reduce maintenance costs as well as ensuring you maximise the time your plant is actually up and working.
Protecting your fleet investment
Construction companies invest a significant amount in their plant fleets. So, it makes good business sense that they do everything possible to maximise the effectiveness of this investment. GPS tracking can help and Phantom are able to provide a nationwide service to fit GPS tracking devices at your site at a time convenient to your working requirements. To find out more about this service and how we can help you reduce costs of running your plant, contact us today.