The time trap: Why rushing can result in ruin
Time is most certainly money and no business can afford to waste either. So, it’s no surprise that rocketing around and trying to achieve more in a tight time frame is normal in our culture. Our lives are busy, our workloads are heavy and our spare time is precious.
But as we try to pack more in and become super productive, projects become rushed and results are often disappointing. Hurrying invariably leads to trouble. And this certainly seems to be the case for many new-build homes across the UK.
A recent study by Shelter suggests a whopping 51% of new-build homes have major faults, according to the disappointed owners who brought them. Sadly, we’re not just talking about a few stud pops or shrinkage cracks here and there; we’re talking about flooding, uneven stairs, faulty electrics and missing cavity wall insulation — issues that can’t simply be sorted by adding a bit of filler.
But why do so many new-build homes have major issues?
In the mad dash to build new homes to meet the demands of the UK housing crisis, corners are cut, mistakes are made and keys are often handed over to unfinished properties.
Due to the serious shortage of homes across the UK, the Government has pledged to invest £3.7bn into building a further 140,000 new homes by 2020. To reach this goal, planning regulations are being eased, councils are pondering prefab buildings and plans are being put into place to incentivise smaller building companies. And with only a few short years to achieve this, the race is on.
However, due to tight targets, many trades simply don’t have the time they need to do their job to a satisfactory standard. New-build homes are being rushed.
Careering through projects not only causes substandard work and slipups, it can also have more serious consequences.
Rushing wrecks wellbeing
Constantly rushing not only increases the likelihood of mistakes being made and physical accidents happening, but it can have a negative impact on health.
We’ve all experienced stress at one time or another. And while some would say they thrive on it, prolonged periods of anxiety won’t enhance performance. High levels of stress affect both your body and your mental wellbeing, causing tiredness, poor concentration and even depression.
So, while we always seem to be trying to save time, make time or at least to be on time, maybe it’s time we all started to consider the consequences.
Rushing on the road
Being late for a meeting, wanting to beat the traffic or simply being keen to get home after a busy day are all reasons we might be tempted to put our foot down when driving. It’s all too easily done when in a rush, but the consequences can be costly.
Apart from the obvious dangers of reckless driving, rushing on the road can result in speeding fines, costly repairs and a ruined reputation.
If you have company vehicles, your company’s hard-earned reputation can easily be compromised by careless drivers in a rush to their next appointment. So how do you ensure they slow down and don’t show you up?
By installing a tracking system, you’ll know exactly how your vehicles are driven. You’ll be alerted when they go over a certain speed, know the amount of time spent speeding, be informed of any harsh acceleration or breaking and be notified of any out-of-hours usage.
Phantom’s tracking system will even provide you with a detailed report, which will generate a driving behaviour score for each of your vehicles. You can monitor driving styles and encourage your workforce to take their time and drive with greater care.
To find out more about how a tracking system from Phantom can help you avoid the time trap, call 0161 476 4050, today.