Market Leads & Opportunities

Pipeline Framework: SE1161 Place National Evaluation and Learning Partner


A pipeline has been launched for SE1161 Place National Evaluation and Learning Partner.The contract start Date is 1 November 2024. Approach to market date is 6 May 2024.Sport England is providing prior notice to interested suppliers on the forthcoming Place National Evaluation and Learning Partner procurement. The contract value is estimated at up to £3.4m over 4 years. The procurement will go live at the beginning of May 2024, with the intention to award the contract to the winning supplier – or consortium of suppliers – during October 2024.On the 16th April 2024, we would like to invite interested organisations to attend an online session to hear about, discuss and inform the Place National Evaluation and Learning Partner procurement. This is for our £250m investment into Place Expansion across England. More information regarding Sport England’s Place Expansion can be found here: Sport England is committed to high quality, relevant, and rigorous, evaluation which is inclusive and accessible, integrated as part of the work, and facilitates learning and action to improve. We are looking for a National Evaluation and Learning Partner who can enable the places we directly invest in, or organisations who access supports from the Universal Offer, and for colleagues internally, to feel equipped, comfortable, and confident, in:1. Whole-system and place-based approaches to physical activity2. Ways of evaluating and evidencing whole-system and place-based approaches to physical activity, which correspond with key principles.3. Using evaluation and learning to facilitate collective sense-making and action.4. Understanding, explaining, and presenting progress and impact.We are also looking for a Place National Evaluation and Learning Partner who can:1. Iteratively update and build on the knowledge and understanding of whole-systems and place-based approaches so far, through different types of data and sources of data.2. Produce and facilitate sense-making of findings and learning in relation to key topics, specific outcome pathways, and in contributing to the four strategic aims of Uniting the Movement.This will be guided by the implementation of Sport England’s Place Evaluation and Learning Approach which will be shared during the Supplier Market Engagement session and specified within the Invitation To Tender documentation.Further information on Sport England’s Evaluation and Learning Approach for Uniting the Movement can be found here: .The procurement of the Place National Evaluation and Learning Partner builds on our current place evaluation and learning work, and will sit alongside our existing System Partner Evaluation (SE1061) and Learning contract and the Open Funding Evaluation and Learning (SE1157) opportunity that is due to be published in March 2024. Together, these contracts will form three pillars of evaluation across all the main Sport England funding streams.This is a potential opportunity from the government, and the pipeline gives advance notice of an opportunity that might be offered by the public sector in the future – allowing potential suppliers to plan accordingly. When a public sector organisation publishes a pipeline notice, it does not necessarily mean that an opportunity will be offered in the future.For more information contact: Sport England, SportPark, 3 Oakwood Drive, Loughborough LE11 3QF. Email: (Procurement Team)