
Housebuilders struggle with ‘E’ in ESG

Housebuilder confidence high on delivering social value, but hard yards to come on environmental reporting.

Government unblocks land for new homes

More than 100,000 new homes could be built following Government plans to release more land for development.

£29M upgrade for Humber flood defences

Work to help manage flood risk and improve infrastructure in north-east Lincolnshire has begun.

Reducing the carbon footprint of Hexham’s flood defences

The EA say that more than half of its carbon footprint comes from the construction of flood defences.

In defence of offsets

With biodiversity targets confirmed, there are concerns that offsetting could lead to the same problems we have seen with carbon offsets.

£1.6Bn investment for vital water infrastructure

Vital water infrastructure projects will be brought forward with some £1.6Bn of investment.

New framework ensures environmental targets for road and rail

The updated framework has measures to protect the environment in new major road, rail, and rail freight schemes.

The Time is Now

James Fiske, CEO of the Building Cost Information Service looks at the role data has to play in reducing carbon in construction in 2023.

New approach to reduce flood risk and clean up rivers 

A consistent approach to sustainable drainage systems is set to be incorporated into new developments in England.