Market Leads & Opportunities

Pipeline Framework: GLA 82620: WIN Toolkit


A pipeline has been launched for GLA 82620: WIN Toolkit.The contract start Date is 24 June 2024. Approach to market date is 3 May 2024.The Greater London Authority’s (GLA) is commissioning external partners to provide support and guidance to businesses across London to implement the actions in the Workforce Integration Network (WIN) Inclusive Employer Toolkits. The delivery partners will also develop communities of practice for employers to collaborate and learn from each other, to improve diversity and inclusion in their organisations. The GLA wishes to commission suppliers to provide implementation support for particular sectors within the five sectors covered by the Toolkits on the basis of their sector expertise and relationships. This intervention aims to support employers with the implementation of recommendations and actions from the Inclusive Employers Toolkits into tangible plans, strategies and interventions that seek to transform organisational practice and culture into more diverse and inclusive workplaces. This commission will seek to build on and improve the programme.This is a potential opportunity from the government, and the pipeline gives advance notice of an opportunity that might be offered by the public sector in the future – allowing potential suppliers to plan accordingly. When a public sector organisation publishes a pipeline notice, it does not necessarily mean that an opportunity will be offered in the future.For more information contact: Transport for London, 5 Endeavour Square, London E201JN. Email: