
UK Supreme Court Confirms Commercially Reasonable Approach to Liquidated Damages

This summer, the UK Supreme Court issued its long-awaited verdict in the case of Triple Point Technology vs PTT Public Company.

Invalid Payment Notices & Requirement for Genuine Belief

Ryland Ash of WFW the TCC has provided guidance on the requirement in s.110A(2)(a) of the Construction Act that a payment notice

RSH Identifies Risks in Social Housing Sector

The RSH has set out its view of the key risks and challenges currently facing social housing, in its latest Sector Risk Profile.

Claiming Multiple Debts in One Adjudication

An important new decision from the TCC allows a quicker and more cost effective route to recover debts on construction contracts

Budget 2021: Filing Patents Could Help Businesses Offset Planned Corporation Tax Increases

Innovative firms should reconsider the importance of patents as part of their business model ahead of planned corporation tax increases

Triple Point: Long-Awaited Clarity for Delay Damages

Kate Onions and Laura Taylor write about the Triple Point decision and it will impact customers and suppliers

English Courts Continue to Sympathise with Claimants on Fire Safety

In a case regarding a fire safety claim, theTCC provided guidance on the approach it will take when exercising discretion to allow amendments

TCC Finds Liquidated Damages Not Invalidated

In the recent case of Eco World the English TCC found that an employer was entitled to claim the full amount of liquidated damages payable

Shortages Causing ‘Adversarial Atmosphere’

Materials shortages across the construction industry are leading to contractors and developers becoming increasingly entrenched

Court Confirms Two-Tier System for Collateral Warranties

A recent Court decision confirms a two-tier system applies for collateral warranties with far-reaching implications for construction projects and real estate transactions. In Toppan Holdings Limited and another v Simply Construct (UK) LLP, the Technology and Construction Court (“TCC”) has provided rare guidance on whether collateral warranties given on construction projects are “construction