As the construction industry moves forward into the future, embracing new technologies and methods of working, so too does media, and we sadly announce that this will be the last edition of UK Construction Excellence.
Our readers can rest assured that they will still receive the same high-quality news, features and opinion pieces, but now in a more manageable and personalised digital offering, which we are excited to share with you.
This last issue of Construction Excellence is, quite appropriately, focussed on the future of construction and how evolving technology is driving a sea-change within the industry. We see where the future lies in digital technology, and as the Construction Sector Deal pushes for a more manufactured and technical approach to construction, we talk to technical innovators in the sector; looking at the problems that a more digitised sector can help resolve. We take a look into the future with Britsafe, and the importance of Health & Safety in an automated society, while researchers talk to us about how machine learning and AI can help develop better, more energy-efficient, buildings.
Thank you for being such a huge part of what UKCE has produced and developed over the years and we can’t wait to hear your opinions on our new format.
Victoria Maggiani

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