Ground Control join IOSH for Trees, Grass and Caterpillars event
Earlier this month, Ground Control was delighted to be invited to speak at the Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) and Rural Industries Group (RIG) event; ‘Trees, Grass and Caterpillars’ at Newton Rigg Agricultural College.
South Cumbria & North Lancashire IOSH District collaborated with the IOSH Rural Group, South Cumbria Occupational Health & Safety Group (SCOHSG) and Newton Rigg Agricultural College to run this one day event, which aims to help improve the rural economy and environment by encouraging farmers, local authorities, contractors, students and others to adopt best practice.
The day included a number of lectures, static displays and practical demonstrations, led by Ground Control’s HSQE Compliance Officer for Arboriculture Carl Powell, National Training Manager Neil Huck, and a number of other expert trainers in the field.
With the help of Ground Control Arborists, Paul Shaw, Matt Culley and Matt Allen; HSQE Compliance Officer Carl Powell led Tree Work demonstrations, outlining safe use of chainsaws, working at height; MEWPS vs tree climbing, a safe working near overhead powerlines, and hazards associated with tree work.
National Training Manager, Neil Huck led a lecture about occupational health risks in agriculture and tree works, the effects of invasive species on human health and the importance and value of investing time and money into training.
Rounding up the day, Carl commented, “It was an absolute pleasure being a part of this great event, presenting to other professionals and students from across the industry. It was a very engaging day, with lots of involvement from the attendees, and some very positive feedback. The guys did a brilliant job on the demonstrations and were proud to show the safe ways in which Ground Control works.”