LCA audit outcome and membership extension
The Legionella Control Association (LCA) is a voluntary organisation whose membership comprises providers of services and products concerned with the control of legionella bacteria in water systems. ALS Environmental have been members of the LCA for in excess of ten years.
To download the ALS Legionella brochure please click here.
The primary aim of the LCA is to keep water systems safe and minimise the risk of cases of Legionnaires’ disease caused by poorly maintained systems. All member organisations are audited every two years to ensure compliance with the primary aims of the LCA code of practice.
During December ALS were audited by the LCA as part of this audit process. The auditor was very impressed with the processes and procedures applied by ALS, with only one minor point to clarify, which was closed out before Christmas 2015.
By using the instant and informative confirmation technique known as MALDI-ToF, ALS Environmental are able to provide additional species information on Legionella and all other microbial species. ALS have invested heavily in developing our MALDI-ToF database to now include all of the ESKAPE pathogens, Mycobacteria and Stentrophomonas in addition to identifying 56 Legionella species.
Following the LCA audit, Pervinder Johal, ALS Environmental Microbiology Operations Manager for our Coventry laboratory comments:
Retaining our LCA membership is seen as critical to our plans to grow our Microbiology department. We continue to plan to grow our MALDI-ToF database throughout 2016 to ensure that we maintain our position as one of the markets leaders in the Water Treatment sector.
For more details on our LCA membership, MALDI-ToF confirmations or ESKAPES pathogens please contact your Customer Service Co-ordinator or request a quotation; alternatively you can call the laboratory on 02476 42 12 13.