Microbiology Trends: Past, Present & Future review
On Friday 19th February, ALS Environmental successfully hosted a conference on Microbiology Trends:
Past, Present and Future at our Coventry laboratory. The event saw the unveiling of our newly refurbished conference facility which hosted the conference talks.
With demand outstripping supply, we had a range of delegates including customers, utility and governing bodies listen to a variety of technical talks and presentations from some of our key suppliers, sponsors and industry experts in the morning including Thermo Fisher Scientific Microbiology, PALL Lifesciences and Bruker Daltonic.
The afternoon was a hands on, guided lab tour focusing on talks and demonstrations in the following laboratory areas:
- Legionella PCR
- Microbiology
- Flow Cytometery
- Legionella Culture
- Waste Microbiology
- Cryptosporidium
- MALDI-ToF Confirmations
We received outstanding feedback on this event from delegates, sponsors and presenters. This conference has paved the way for similar conferences to be hosted later in the year at out Coventry laboratory; with plans for similar conferences on Waste Management, Contaminated Land and Waste Water.
As part of the Microbiology Trends: Past, Present and Future conference, ALS Environmental launched our Twitter account which included live updates and feeds during the event, updated with photos and commentary of the conference. To visit our Twitter page and to follow us – please click here.
Reflecting on the conference and upon receiving the excellent feedback, Nick Barsby, Sales & Marketing Manager at ALS Environmental comments:
A tremendous amount of work went it to developing a truly unique event for the Microbiology Trends days. Feedback from delegates, both on the day and on feedback forms, has surpassed our expectations has inspired us to look at hosting a similar microbiology event towards the end of 2016.
Again, we would like to thank our speakers and sponsors for their contribution and involvement of this event.
ALS Environmental can also be found on LinkedIn and Facebook, please follow us for all the latest news stories and information.
For any questions on this event, other upcoming events, Request a Quotation, Find your nearest Drop Off Location or for any other queries, please Contact Us or call Customer Services on 02476 421 213.